Remote Usability Testing

Screen shows video phone call situation

Performing usability tests location-independently as remote tests

Performing usability tests location-independently as remote tests. With remote tests, tester and participants do not meet in eg. a usability lab. The test is held via video and/or screen-sharing. Participant and tester connect over the Internet and, like in a usability lab, the interview can start. One advantage over the regular test is that it can be held in the familiar work or living situation. Often romte tests are preferred as to save travel expenses or if participants do not want to attend personally. Just like with the usual usability test, remote ones can test drafts, prototypes or the finished product.


The procedure differs only slightly from the common usability test:

  • Test objectives are defined.
  • Participants matching the target group are recruited.
  • A testing script is being developed.
  • The meeting is held via Video and/or screen sharing.
  • A usability engineer as the host is leading the interview live.
  • The test is being recorded.
  • The client can follow the interview live from their work place.
  • The results are evaluated and recommendations are developed.


  • Testing in the familiar environment
  • Flexible timewise
  • Saving travel expenses

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