Eye Tracking

Eye Tracking

How does eye-tracking work?

Eye-Tracking allows us to record the gaze-movements of a person. The gaze movements are recorded together with the screen-pictures. Different kind of media can be shown on the monitor:

  • websites
  • software
  • static pictures
  • animations/films

The eye-tracking system helps you to get a more detailed view of the user behaviour. Many of the human gaze movements are not directly controlled by the consciousness. In the field of usability and marketing research eye-tracking observations help you to get a better understanding of your users needs and behaviour.

Range of use

  • usability testing
  • marketing studies of websites, banners, advertisments
  • research studies in the field of Human Computer Interaction (HCI)

Eye-tracking technology

We use various eye-trackers that are suited for eye-tracking of computer screens, mobile devices, projections on the wall and similar. Since the test participants do not have to wear a camera helmet, they can act more natural and undisturbed.


  • participants can act free and natural
  • quick calibration is possible
  • variable data visualization

Usability testing with the help of eye-tracking

In addition to the qualiatitve study, the gaze movement of the test participants is recorded. Eye-tracking can help us to find out:

  • which parts of a site a participant notices
  • which parts of the site a participant ignores
  • in which order site elements are perceived
  • how long the fixation duration of certain parts is compared to other parts or objects
  • if user orientation is made hard or easy

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